“How to keep negativity out of your life for good!”
Everyone knows having a positive attitude toward anything in life is the key to success on many different levels. The only problem is many of us don’t even know where to begin.
We’re constantly surrounded by negativity, at home, at work, and at school. Negativity comes in all shapes and sizes and for many of us, its hard to stay in a positive frame of mind.
Well in this latest article entitled Positive Thoughts for a Positive Life, I’ll take you through my 5 easy steps to hold on to those positive thoughts and how to block out any negativity in your life!
Step 1: Feed the Positive thoughts!
The human mind has over 100,000 thoughts per day and unfortunately a large majority of those thoughts are negative. The reason for this I believe is that we don’t feed our positive thoughts, we only feed the negative thoughts.In other words, it’s easier for us to envision the worst case scenario, rather than the best case scenario. Learn to feed your positive thoughts only and starve the negative ones! This will train your brain to function in a way it’s not used to. I believe this alone will change our life for the better.
Step 2: Keep Negativity far away:
This means negativity in all forms. Don’t let negative people get on the inside you. Don’t let negative news on the radio, internet and TV warp your mind. “Learn to be a positive magnet not a negative one”.Step 3: Don’t go back for more:
Many times in life, we get rid of negative people and situations only to find ourselves going back or letting it back in our lives. Learn to accept the fact that your changing and don’t allow yourself to go backwards in life. Be happy and confidant in moving ahead to a better life.Step 4: Be Happy:
It’s impossible to be negative if you’re happy. This simply means learn to do the things you love each day. Don’t work at a job you hate, or be in a relationship with someone you can’t stand.Learn to a live happy life every single day. The biggest problem with people is they settle for things. They settle for the job their at, they settle for the relationship they are in in, they settle for the way they look and the way they feel.
Learn that you should never settle for anything in life. “You only get one life, you don’t come back for an encore”. Live it happy and positive each day no matter what’s going on!
Step 5: Worrying never helped anything:
I used to think when I was a kid if I worried about something it would repair itself or go away. This is soThey truly understand the meaning of life. They live every moment of their life to the fullest and find happiness just by going outside for a walk! This is the way we should be.
Today, focus on those positive thoughts and feed them! Learn that negativity is nothing more than a thought in our head. Remember, you can accomplish anything in life with a positive attitude. Never believe that you’re not good enough because “the only thing that separates a winner from a loser is that the winner isn’t afraid of losing.”
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