1. Take the stairs.
2. Drink only ice cold beverages.
The colder the drink the better because our bodies require the water temperature to be raised to be used and this process uses energy to complete. Every little bit of calorie burning helps!
3. Get at least 8 hours of sleep.
4. Exercise at least 3 times a week.
5. Eat healthy.
6. Get enough calories.
7. Enter a contest.
8. Lower your stress.
9. Make exercise enjoyable.
10. Use music to motivate your workouts.
11. Use compound exercises as much as possible.
These exercises require multiple muscle groups to be used at once and therefore will burn the greatest amount of calories. Make sure these are first in your workout when you have the most energy.
12. Park your car far away.
13. Walk if you can.
14. Eat plenty of berries. The antioxidants will help reduce inflammation in your body which released a ton of nasty hormones which cause you to gain weight such as cortisol.
15. Use a post workout protein supplement.16. Get an enjoyable hobby.
17. Loose the stressful job.
18. Read more.
19. Try Pre-workout supplements.
These might give you the energy you need to have intense fat burning workouts.
20. Take a multivitamin daily.
21. Take 5g of melatonin before bed.
22. Do not lounge where you sleep.
23. Keep your resting area cool, dark, and quite.
24. Eat every 2-3 hours.
25. Portion your meals with your hands.
26. Take on a new physical hobby.
27. Take a trip to your local recreational park.
28. Workout with a friend.
29. Set long term goals.
Having a long term plan will ensure you stick with you workout routine. You should also have a bunch of short term goals which can be thought of “checkpoints” leading up to your final long term goal.
30. Take a before and after picture.
31. Pick out a small bathing suit.
32. Measure your waist.
33. Keep an exercise log.
34. Run on a street with hills.
35. Perform high intensity interval cardio.
High intensity cardio might be hard to perform but your metabolism will stay raised for a while even after your done working out!
36. Add ankle or vest weights.
37. Use easy tone shoes.
38. Track your steps with a pedometer.
39. Sign up for a marathon to get in shape for.
40. Enter a local fitness competition.
41. Sign up at a local gym.
42. Get some home exercise videos.
43. Try video games.
The new Xbox Kinect or Wii are great options for losing weight with great
selections in games including: dance, sports, fighting, and more.
44. Watch motivational bodybuilding videos before your workouts.
45. Do 100 crunches or sit ups before bed.
46. Do 100 pushups before bed.
47. Get the perfect pushup hand grip.
48. Get a pull-up bar for your doorway.
49. Tape a reminder note above your bed for the last three items.
50. Get a tower punching bag for home.
51. Try using different training styles.
High reps and low weight might work for one person while low reps and high weight might work for another. See what gives you the best muscle mass- remember the more muscle on your body, the higher the metabolism and fat burning taking place!
52. Explore new workouts relating to a sport you like.
54. Do not chat in the gym.
55. Do not totally withdraw from cheat meals.
This will simply drive you insane and leave you binging eventually. Take responsibility and control and moderate you amount of “bad” foods. Cutting out everything altogether is the easy way out- real self control is much more challenging.
56. Exercise with your significant other/spouse.
57. Find an image of an ideal physique and look at it daily.
58. Read fitness pro interviews and heed their advice.
59. Don’t always stick to one genre of music.
You will be surprised to find that what works for one day will be completely different from what gets you pumped for another. Try everything: country, pop, rap, etc.
60. Perform cardio 3 times a week first thing in the morning.
61. Remember to use a rowing machine for cardio too!
62. Go by some fitness apparel. Then use it.
63. Participate in community sports.
64. Avoid large amounts of alcohol.
65. Do not take the escalator or elevator.66. Go to the mall.
This will ensure you are walking a large distance without you even realizing it!
Just be sure to steer clear of the food court…
67. Make sure you don’t ever get hungry.
68. Take your dog for a walk.
69. Bring a healthy snack to the movie theaters.
70. Plan meals ahead if leaving the house for several hours.
71. Set up a personalized workout routine that fits you.
72. Don’t think you can achieve your goals, know you can.
73. Wear as few clothes as possible at home. If it is possible to not wear a shirt at home, this will keep you in check when you catch a glance in your mirror.
74. Keep a health magazine by your toilet.You might be surprised what you can learn with the time you are given.
75. Avoid fatty proteins such as rib eye steak or chuck beef.
76. Toss out the yolk when cooking eggs.
77. Get skim or 2% milk next time.
78. Cut down on carbs slowly.
79. Drink more caffeine or tea.
80. Keep protein bars handy.
81. Keep an eye on the clock during workouts.
One trick to make a workout more intense is giving
yourself only 30 or 45 min a workout. This will ensure less breaks and keep you moving. Sometimes a shorter, intense workout is far more productive than a easy, drawn out workout.
82. Keep short term goals in mind leading up to your long term.
83. Do not make impossible goals.
Keep your goals within reason and even undermine them. You will feel
great once you surpass them and can always modify them later to be more challenging.
84. Eat slowly.
This will cause you to become more aware that you are full. Most people will eat really fast, outpacing their full signals.
85. When done cooking, wrap up the remains immediately.
This will prevent second helpings when done when you go to clean up and see the food sitting there.
86. Constantly be on the lookout for new music to add to your ipod.
87. See what has worked for your friends.
88. Do not over train.
89. Reduce your calories slowly over the course of months.
90. Do not use fad diets such as Atkins, South Beach, etc.
91. Throw away fast food ads in the mail immediately.
Seeing even a glimpse of a pizza ad may have you 2,000 calories deep later that evening.
92. Take a run on the beach, cool off in the water, repeat.
93. Keep it to one cheat meal a week max.This is a good way to start out and push it back to 1 every 2 weeks and so on. Cheat meals don’t mean an entire box of pizza either. Keep the portion within reason.
94. Get a good pair of running shoes that will last.
95. Get an online fitness journal.
We recommend “Body Space” on www.bodybuilding.com.
96. Don’t ever be satisfied with your results.
97. Keep the sodium to a minimum.
This will prevent your body from looking puffy and holding more water (a.k.a. weight).
98. Get enough healthy fats such as peanut butter or salmon.
99. Take a daily omega-3 fish oil supplement.100. Get a therapeutic massage.
101. Last but not least, use Directlyfitness.com for unlimited tips and tricks to lose weight and build muscle!
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