Metabolic typing is a method of creating a diet specifically for your body type. There’s an old saying that you should eat what your ancestors ate for better health. The logic behind the phrase is that your body’s DNA carries with it the ability to properly process those foods because of thousands of years of evolution.
The country of origin had specific food types available and those that survived and thrived had the available enzymes to digest the foods. Conditions like lactose intolerance occur more predominantly in those with American Indian and African heritage. The cultures of these societies did not raise cows or have cows milk. Consequently, as the mother weaned the child from her milk, the lactase ceased was unimportant and other enzymes more important to survival dominated.
Today every person has a mixture of various ethnic groups and its difficult to tell which ancestor to follow when it comes to eating habits. In this case, you have to follow the body types to discover which diet makes you lose weight without feeling terrible.
There are three basic body types when it comes to metabolizing foods. The first type oxidizes the food rapidly and is to as a protein type. The second oxidizes slowly and is the carbohydrate type. The third metabolic type is somewhere in between the two. His metabolism utilizes both types of foods. This is the balanced metabolic type.
Because the protein metabolic type digests food rapidly, the heavy content of protein and fat takes longer to digest. These meals keep the metabolic type from getting depressed, faint or irritable due to low blood sugar, particularly if they happen to miss a meal. The personality type of the fast metabolic type is much like his digestive system. They tend to be type A personalities. These fast thinkers are often high achievers and stress out frequently.
Those that have a body that oxidizes the food slower shouldn’t weigh it down with heavy protein and fat. Their metabolism doesn’t digest as rapidly so they often miss meals and don’t even realize it. Diets that have limited amounts of meat are the best for this carbohydrate type. Just like the slowness of the digestion, the personality type tends to be less driven but far easier going. This personality is laid back but occasionally demonstrate lethargy or depression.
The metabolic type that is in between the two is the vast majority of the world. The ideal diet for them is a mix, depending on the direction they tend to lean. The metabolic typing for the balanced metabolic type isn’t just a balanced diet since most lean more heavily in one direction. It’s more of a science to find the right blend of heavier proteins and fats to carbohydrates.
When you find the type of metabolism you have, you can select a diet that not only makes you feel good, but also helps you lose weight because you adhere to it.
No matter how many books you read on “the miracle diet of the century”, you’ll find that not all of them are right for your body type. You can attempt several diets and see which one works best and makes you feel good. This hit and miss method sometimes works immediately when you happen on the right one the first time. Most of the time, its best to select a method of metabolic typing and use the diet recommended for your body’s metabolic style.
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